
Birdsung - The Dark Crusade

Created by Westfalia Publishing

The crusade of the Teutonic order with a fantasy twist. 32mm miniatures hand-sculpted by Boris Woloszyn and cast in quality resin.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Early Bird Mini
about 1 year ago – Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 06:14:57 AM

So - to make sure the early bird backers (thanks again) still get a free extra, Boris was making a 20mm bird... and it has a skull too.

This will be campaign exclusive. (Note: the little bird is the freebie for Patreon backers and Boris was adding him for scale comparison!)

Initially I wanted to offer a big bone pope, but that mini got too big (40mm+) and would've busted my budget... He will be ready today tho and I will include him as an add-on. Stay tuned for pics!



Projects they love + some miniature updates
about 1 year ago – Wed, Nov 08, 2023 at 06:12:57 AM

Hi everybody,

Thanks to your support, Boris' brilliant sculpting and a great track record of handling and fulfilling projects, we've made it into the 'Projects We Love' pathenon of Kickstarter projects!

This is great news and it has already helped with the funding! Look at me bring proud, haha.

Also - We're working on 2 more minis for this campaign - 1. A small free mini for the EB backers, and 2. a mini Boris wanted to do.

More soon!

Forbidden Psalm!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Nov 06, 2023 at 07:16:33 AM

Dear backers,

We have some pretty cool news for you today.

The amazing folks behind Forbidden Psalm and I have been working on a collaboration for our two respective kickstarters. You might remember them from the Rotten Bits miniatures expansion for our Mork Borg Miniatures Kickstarter where we worked together previously.

They are currently funding for the ‘End Times Edition’ of their game, which includes all their previously released material, and guess what? They are going to add rules and custom scenarios for the Birdsung miniatures to the Collection Of Death - entirely for free.

So if you want to swing a skirmish game set in the darkest of places using Birdsung or Mork Borg miniatures, then you should head over there and check it out!

Bone Pope Feedback - We're going to add him to all 'All In' pledges.
about 1 year ago – Mon, Nov 06, 2023 at 05:40:32 AM

We have had feedback from backers that came a bit late to the campaign and that were disappointed in having missed their chance to get this lad for free with their pledge. So - with the funding going well, we've decided to include this miniature into all 'All In' pledges, be they Early Bird or not. 

Thanks to everybody who has pledged early anyways!

Note: Somehow Boris started working on a big version of him - not sure he'll be ready by the end of the campaign, but whatever comes out of this, I'll add him to the pledge manager.

The Crusader giant
over 1 year ago – Sun, Nov 05, 2023 at 08:04:26 AM

Hi everybody,

Gregg did a print of the crusader giant sculpted by Max Maurel and well that thing is a big hulking ... giant.

Comparision shot with 2 of our MorkBorg minis.